Monday, September 21, 2009

Photography Post

I personally do not have much experiance with photography and its analysis. I do know that I like slow motion photography, I grew interested in it when the Time Warp T.V series first came about. Now with the respects to this shot I find it very interesting. It shows four crayons being punctured by a bullet, these crayons and bullet are the vector of our attention. We are drawn to the crayons first they are centered as well as colorful. The crayons have the action in the shot they are exploding right infront of our eye's. This shot is what would be called an action shot, which is a photo that is not posed for but merely captured. This again is another reason why this photo is so appeling, because it has life to it, it is in the momenent.

Another vector choice in this piece is the color placement of the crayons and the time in which the photo is taken. This vector is something the photographer has to take into consideration when taking a photo. He has to ask himself is this going to be visually sensational to my audiance. The vector of attention here draws your eyes to the left this is because that is where the bullet is heading. The photographer needs to know which way he wants this vector of attention to go before the shot is taken.

Photography is also tricky because the photographer must know what he wants his audiance to see in terms of the position of the picture. Had this picture been taken from a vertical angle, it would totally change the look and feel of the picture. This picture is interesting in the angle taken in the shot, it is a side shot. This I think is the best approach that could of been taken by photographer. This is because it capture's the most action I feel.

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