This comic uses humor and perception to give its reader enjoyment through a comedic sense. Two people from different backgrounds or age groups could take the question these penguins face completely different. The penguins cannot decide if the puffle is sitting or not. Perception is an observation or a mental image in this case we have no idea what this blue creature is but one would perceive it to be sitting and another person would say its laying or standing. We do not actually know what it is doing because it has not moved and looks to have no body as to sit with. This is where the humor is in this comic strip lies; the author hardly changes the comic from panel to panel but uses this to create his ethos. This blue ball stays in its same spot with a straight look and grinning smile as the penguin tells him to sit. The penguin then asks his friend if it’s sitting and he does not know. This makes you think and wonder if the blue ball is sitting there is really no way to tell.
To take this comic into context it depicts two penguins dressed as humans that have a furry blue ball as a pet in the arctic. This is like a role switch a penguin which is an animal that can generally be found in a zoo, not so much a pet but none the less could be kept as one. Then in this comic the penguins are dressed like humans and own a pet. The author is using this role switch to create his humor in the comic and draw in his audience. If this comic was in a different context it would not have the same comical element that it has. If this was not two penguins and rather two people discussing this one might not find it as funny or interesting. Since this comic does use penguins instead of people one will perceive this comic differently than had it not. Back to the transitions of this comic, one might ask why not just make this a one frame comic not four. This comic could easily be put into one frame but it’s this dragging on and the lack of background change that makes this comic so humorous. The transitions also make the argument of perception. This is because the blue ball does not move making you like I said before ask yourself if it is sitting or not.
The audience I would like to pull in would be anyone who finds humor through the way things can be perceived. Of course my audience will also be you the professor along with everyone in the class and the people who stumble upon this essay. I feel that there is much humor in the way things are perceived and that one person could find something hysterical in its context, but another might not. This is what this comic is all about and what the author wanted. The sole purpose of this comic was to make people laugh.