Monday, September 28, 2009

My photo is a close up of a dirt covered miner, the vector of attention lies within the man. Then there are other vectors of attention in the man's face.  When I look at the photo I am drawn to the mans dark and dirty look.  His eye's alone give you a terrible depressed feeling.  You can see the pain in his eye's, you can see it in the way he is smoking his cigarette.  The way it just hangs off his lips with no care.  Then there is the shadowy building in the background it creates a gloomy feeling, and a sense of wonder what is the object, possibly the top of the mine shaft.  Then there is the mans ripped clothing this is another vector I am drawn to.  Then there is the mans whole face it is as if it is frammed with in the photo the way the light hits it, but not his eye's.These vectors create the logos, or argument in this photo.  It gives the argument that if you are a miner you will look like this, you will feel what this man is feeling.  Then in terms of the way this photo was taken and cropped.  I feel the photographer took this photo and focused in on the man to get this feeling of depression.  He cropped out almost all the background to get you to focus in on the man and his face.  He wants his viewers to focus on the man's face and try to understand what he is feeling.  The lighting in this photo also gives you a dark feeling almost every thing is shadowed, part of the mans face is in darkness to give you the feeling of sadness.  The man's eye's are shadowed in darkness, it looks as if he does not even have eye's just two deep holes running through his head.  The color or hue in this photo is dark, as if it is almost black and white.  There are no bright or vibrant colors just dark and depressed colors.  This darkness gives the photo a rhetorical appeal of hate and again depression.  The man looks almost unhuman with his dirt covered and shadowed face.  He looks like a living monster, all his humanly features covered with dirt.  All these things in the photo make you wonder what this mans life is really like what does he go through on a daily bases.  This is what the photographer I feel wants to instill in your head.  That is why the photo looks the way it does and this is what attracted me to the photo.     

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