Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blog Post 1: Quotation on Writing

"There are two kinds of writer: those that make you think, and those that make you wonder."
- Brian Aldiss

This quote is interesting because these two things, thinking and wondering are very similar. Brian though feels that these are the two catigories of writers purposes that distinguish writers. The context of this quote I feel is him trying to simplify a very broad topic to people. His argument is that there is only two types of writers, ones that make you thin and ones that make you wonder. His audience is anyone who reads his quote. I feel that this quote is not completly true because you cannot narrow down such a thing like the different types of writers into two catagories. This quote I do like though because the purpose and contex is interesting to try and understand. I feel that his audience is fiction writers, because he is a fiction writer himself. This quote if you take the time to think of it could be true in the sense of just fiction. He might be trying to say that there are two different types of fiction writers. He doesn't say this though, but if I was to guess this would be my first.

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